





谢帝芝,博士,学院副研究员,广东省动物学会理事,广东省企业/市科技特派员。主要从事鱼类脂质营养与品质调控、非粮饲料源开发等方面的科研和教学工作;近年来,已主持承担包括国家自然科学基金在内的科研课题10余项。在《Progress in Lipid Research》《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》《水产学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文80余篇,获得发明专利3件,参编著作1部。担任《Frontiers in Marine Science》《Life》客座编辑,以及《Review in Aquaculture》《Aquaculture》《水产学报》等国内外20余种期刊审稿人。



2017/06-至今,   学院,皇冠体育官网;

2020/01-2021/01,  新加坡国立大学公派访学;





1. 国家自然科学基金青年科基金项目,31602176,鲤Acsl6在肌肉DHA沉积中的调控机制研究,2017/01-2019/12,主持;

2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金青年提升项目,Omega 3改善罗非鱼肌肉质地的调控机制研究,2024.1-2026-12,主持;

3. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目,2021A1515011123,饲料脂肪酸组成提升罗非鱼肌肉品质的机制研究,2021.1-2023-12,主持;

4. 广东省科技专项,210726116902191,蓝子鱼高效环保配合饲料的研发及其推广应用,2022.1-2023-12,主持;

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,饲料脂肪酸组成通过Ampk/Srebp信号通路影响鱼类养殖性能的机制研究,2023.1- 2026.12,第二参与人

6. 国家海水鱼产业技术体系岗位科学家项目,CARS-47-G13,军曹鱼卵形鲳鲹营养需求与饲料,2017.1-2021.12,岗位秘书;

7. 国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓科技创新重点专项水产动物精准营养及其代谢调控机制2018YFD09004002018.12-2022.12,第二参与人;

8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31702358adiponectin/AdipoR对草鱼肝脏糖代谢的调控及机制研究,2018.1-2021.12,第二参与人;



1)        Xie D#, Chen C#, Dong Y#, et al. Regulation of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in teleost fish. Progress in Lipid Research, 2021, 82: 101095.

2)        Xie D#, Guan J#, Huang X, et al. Tilapia can be a beneficial n-3 LC-PUFA source due to its high biosynthetic capacity in the liver and intestine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70(8): 2701-2711.

3)        An W, Xu J, Chen F, et al. Effects of dietary n-3 LC-PUFA levels on the growth, immunity, and lipid metabolism of freshwater carnivorous teleost largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) juveniles. Aquaculture Reports, 2023, 32: 101704.(通讯作者)

4)        He Z#, Xu C#, Chen F, et al. Dietary DHA Enhanced the textural firmness of common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fed plant-derived Diets through restraining FoxO1 pathways. Foods, 2022, 11(22), 3600.(通讯作者)

5)        Chen F, Huang X, Zhu H, et al. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of acyl-CoA synthetase 6 in golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus reveal its function in DHA enrichment. Aquaculture, 2022, 551, 737966.(通讯作者)

6)        Huang X, Chen F, Guan J, et al. Beneficial effects of re-feeding high α-linolenic acid diets on the muscle quality, cold temperature and disease resistance of tilapia. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2022, 126, 303-310.(通讯作者)

7)        Yang Z, Zhu H, Huang X, et al. Molecular characterization, tissue distribution profile, and nutritional regulation of acsl gene family in golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(12), 6437.(通讯作者)

8)        Fan B#, Xie, D#, Li Y, et al. A single intronic single nucleotide polymorphism in splicing site of steroidogenic enzyme hsd17b1 is associated with phenotypic sex in oyster pompano, Trachinotus anak. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2021, 288(1963), 20212245.

9)        Xu C, Li X, Gao L, et al. Molecular characterization of thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP) from Megalobrama amblycephala and its potential roles in high glucose-induced inflammatory response. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 188, 460-472.(通讯作者)

10)    Xu C, Li Y, Liu W, et al. Interactions between dietary carbohydrate and thiamine: Implications on the growth performance and intestinal mitochondrial biogenesis and function of Megalobrama amblycephala. British Journal of Nutrition, 2021, 127(3): 321-334.(通讯作者)

11)    Xie D*, Dai Q, Xu C, et al. Dietary tributyrin modifies intestinal function by altering morphology, gene expression and microbiota profile in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed all-plant diets. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2021, 27(2): 439-453.

12)    Xie D, He Z, Dong Y, et al. Molecular Cloning, Characterization, and expression regulation of acyl-CoA synthetase 6 gene and promoter in common carp Cyprinus carpio. International journal of molecular sciences, 2020, 21(13): 4736.

13)    Xie D, Ye J, Lu M, et al. Comparsion of activities of fatty acyl desaturases and elongases among six teleosts with different feeding and ecological habits. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020, 7: 117.

14)    Xie D, Wang M, Wang S, et al. Fat powder can be a feasible lipid source in aquafeed for the carnivorous marine teleost golden pompano, Trachinotus ovatus. Aquaculture International, 2020, 28(3): 1153-1168.

15)    Xie D, Li X, You C, et al. Supplementation of macroalgae together with non-starch polysaccharide-degrading enzymes in diets enhanced growth performance, innate immune indexes, and disease resistance against Vibrio parahaemolyticus in rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019, 31(3): 2073-2083.

16)    Xie D, Fu Z, Wang S, et al. Characteristics of the fads2 gene promoter in marine teleost Epinephelus coioides and role of Sp1-binding site in determining promoter activity. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 1-9.

17)    Xie D, Liu X, Wang S, et al. Effects of dietary LNA/LA ratios on growth performance, fatty acid composition and expression levels of elovl5, Δ4 fad and Δ6/Δ5 fad in the marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus. Aquaculture, 2018, 484: 309-316.

18)    Xie D, Xu S, Wu Q, et al. Changes of visceral properties and digestive enzymes in the herbivorous marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus fed on different diets. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(2): 85-93.

19)    谢帝芝*, 宋尚书, 陈芳, . Pparγ调控鱼类脂质代谢作用机制的研究进展.水生生物学报, 2023, 48(3):1-13.

20)    谢帝芝,陈汉毅, 徐超, . 复合动植物蛋白质饲料对大口黑鲈生长性能, 肌肉品质及氮, 磷排放的影响. 动物营养学报, 2021.33(5):2836-2847.

21)    和子杰, 谢帝芝*, 聂国兴. 提升养殖鱼类 n-3 高不饱和脂肪酸含量的综合策略[J]. 动物营养学报, 2020. 32(11):5089-5104.



1谢帝芝,李远友,朱航波,黄小平,陈芳. 一种基于脂肪酸精准营养需求提升罗非鱼肌肉品质的复合脂肪源, 2023-08-22, 中国,ZL 2022 1 0570656.1

2Li Yuanyou, Ma Yongcai, Xie Dzihi, Xu Chao. Compound feed for young fish of Trachinotus ovatus capable of efficiently substituting fish meal by animal and plant compound protein. Republic of South Africa, 2023-01-25, ZA2023/00178

3Li Yuanyou, Xie Dzihi, Ma Yongcai, Zhuang Guangrong. Feed additive capable of effectively improving substitution ratio of fish meal in compound feed of Trachinotus ovatus. Republic of South Africa, 2023-01-25, ZA2023/00179.



1)李远友, 谢帝芝, 王树启, 董烨玮, 陈翠英, 游翠红, 雷彩霞. 鱼类脂肪酸精准营养的理论与应用实践,2023,科学出版社.
